
My Nindo :D

Konokian 9/12/2008       Shroudian 15/5/2009
 Academy: 9/12/2008          Genin: 10/2/2009          Chunin: 10/3/2009

introduction ...
♥!Tai-Jutsu FTW!♥
ah yes i'm a girl btw , i just happened to mis-click the gender part and now it shows on my profile that i'm a boy XD, anyways my alt is (i aint telling :P)

My Divorce Court
Rezz: I judge in favor of Misses, soon to be Miss orosan. I find her case, and her version of the story more sense-full. I convict Mr. Resolve 1 day of prison in a shut down cellar, and that Miss orosan shall receive 200 % of Resolve's current value in ryo.

♥Resolve my permanent Husband♥
♥kenja my permanent affair guy♥
♥my pockets belong to my sons Axe and Mist♥
♥MusaWinx My kitten Pet♥
♥kincaide my Favorite student♥
♥my boss is a cuteguy♥


Supergeek oro ♥
u all saw it =O he loves me xD

i'm shroud's tavern president

My BFF Award:

my bloodline:
i'm part pinoy , Jordan , Germany ,turkey ,Portuguese ,Palestine and finally an American citizen from NewYork.
yeah i know i'm pretty mixed up , i got this from my parents who themselves are also mixed up but not like me , i'm just too much xD

You have bought a "Small wooden statue"
You have gained the bloodline "Katon Seal"

i'm born July 1st 1993 (yeah i know i'm that old Q~Q)
well lets see what else , i'm just an ordinary person who loves to eat chocolate ^^

My Rules Made by Charry my big sister
1-I'm is always right, even when wrong
2-you must have to be interesting and not want fantasy sex
3-You must be a guy o-o and not a hobo
4-I'm always cooler than you o_o
5-Do not question me
6-always submit to my will o-o
7-always hug me when you see me in the tavy
8-never ask me for ryo, i only give to the ones i like
9-i dont spar with ubers xD,unless you pay me xD
10-Dont ask me for my MSN or Yahoo, cuz i dont use those stuff
those who dont listen to my rules well ,i will never talk to you ever again in my TNR life
My Family & Friends are an exception , and they know who they are ;0

Free Reps sold to me at 5 May 2010 by kenja

Free Fed sold to me at 8 May 2010 by Resolve

"Special SPNR Title"
Orosan: Beige/Black Ranger "RIT/Grand-Leader's Mama"

Lazy Bunny = Orosan

Former Konoki ANBU: 'TriPolar Disorder'
Former Shroud ANBU: 'Lulz'
(Active) Current ANBU: 'CBA'

yeah these are the past ANBU's i'v been at for my past 3years of playing TNR , i could have also joined bleeding peach but i didnt want to quit lulz :D (i'm not that much of a traitor)
